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Neuroscience Nursing: Assessment and Patient Management

Sarah White

4 Neuropathic pain: Recognition and assessment Lucy Johnson

Section 2 Management of patients with acute neurological conditions

5 An examination of the blood; brain barrier in health and disease Ehsan Khan

6 Understanding pain: Physiology of pain Helen Godfrey

7 Understanding pain: Pain management Helen Godfrey

8 An overview of meningitis: Signs, symptoms, treatment and support Ian Peate

9 Traumatic injuries to the head and spine: Mechanisms of injury Anne McLeod

10 Traumatic injuries to the head and spine: Nursing considerations Anne McLeod

11 Multiprofessional follow up of patients after subarachnoid haemorrhage Anne Jarvis, Louise Talbot

12 A care plan approach to nurse-led extubation Diana De

13 Integration of critical care and palliative care at end of life Natalie Pattison

Section 3 Management of patients with long-term neurological conditions

14 A practical guide for managing adults with epilepsy Christine Hayes

15 Epilepsy: Clinical management and treatment options Muili Lawal

16 Management of patients who have relapses in multiple sclerosis Gaynor Williams

17 The management of pain in multiple sclerosis: A care-study approach Elizabeth Gray

18 A nurse-led, patient-centred mitoxantrone service in neurology Emily Harrison, Bernadette Porter

19 Current management of neurogenic bladder in patients with multiple sclerosis Sue Woodward

20 Using action research to develop a responsive service for patients with multiple sclerosis in relapse Richard Warner, Del Thomas, Roswell Martin

21 Innovative ways of responding to the information needs of people with multiple sclerosis Rhona MacLean, Andrew Russell

22 Information for young people when multiple sclerosis enters the family Kerry Mutch

23 Nursing role in the multidisciplinary management of motor neurone disease Jane Skelton

24 Information-seeking behaviour among people with motor neurone disease Mary R O'Brien

25 Healthcare professionals knowledge of motor neurone disease Mary R O'Brien

26 Caring for patients with hemiplegia in an arm following a stroke Rosie Goulding, Debbie Thompson, Chris Beech

27 Thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke and the role of the nurse Maria Fitzpatrick, Jonathan Birns

28 The use of practice guidelines for urinary incontinence following stroke Wendy Brooks

29 Patient; professional partnership in spinal cord injury rehabilitation Glynis Collis Pellatt

30 Improving the continuing care for individuals with spinal cord injuries Sue Williams

31 Caring for the carers: Measuring quality of life in Huntington's disease Aimee Aubeeluck


ISBN: 9781856423083